Associate in Arts Program
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716
David Teague holds a B.A. in English Literature from Hendrix College and an M.A. and Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Virginia. Dr. Teague teaches literature and creative writing at the University of Delaware Associate in Arts Program. His critical publications include The Southwest in American Literature: The Rise of a Desert Aesthetic, The Secret Life of John C. Van Dyke: Correspondence, 1890-1932, and The Nature of Cities. His picture books and novels include Franklin’s Big Dreams, Saving Lucas Biggs, Billy Hightower, Connect The Stars, Henry Cicada’s Extraordinary Elktonium Escapade, and How Oscar Indigo Broke the Universe and Put It Back Together Again. His forthcoming novel is The Ballad of Phoebe Gray.
Dr. Teague is a longtime member of the MALS faculty, specializing in research methods and memoir. He is currently UD Community Engagement Fellow, a member of the board of the Delaware Humanities Forum, and a member of the Just Write! initiative, a creative writing program for underserved children in Wilmington.